Saturday, August 11, 2012

Tips or tricks?! Do they really work

We have all scrolled past those Pinterest tips that are supposed to save time or seems so easy we wonder why we didn't think of that ourselves. Fruit and veggie prep is something I spend a lot of time doing because if I don't clean, cut, and portion out my fruit and veggies I end up wasting them.

The first trick I tried was to precut an apple then put it back together with a rubber band around it to keep it from browning in my lunch bag at work.  This was not successful :( but not too much is lost because a brown apple still taste good!

Next I tried peeling an orange by cutting off each end of the orange and then slicing the peel in between two sections of the orange. I then just rolled the peel flat.  This worked pretty well. No more wasting ten minutes getting the peel off the orange before you can enjoy it!!

I love Kiwi but always ended up eating 3 at a times because once I had peeled the kiwi much of the fruit was cut away with the skin.  This tip works great and saves so much tasty fruit!  Cut off both ends of the kiwi then take a spoon and wedge it between the fruit and the skin.  Once the spoon is in place just twist the kiwi in your hand and the spoon will gently peel away the fuzzy skin. 
Voila! Slice and enjoy!!

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