Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Newspaper print nails

This is probably the easiest nail design out there other then the clear top coat.

It works best if your polish color is a light color so the newspaper print is easy to see. I used ballet slipper by Essie.

I cut a newspaper into squares a little bit bigger then my nails. You don't want to start this design unless your polish is completely dry. Then just dip your nail in alcohol. I used rubbing alcohol I have heard others use vodka. I didn't want to waste vodka and rubbing alcohol is cheap! Then lay the newspaper on your wet nail and rub the paper so the print rubs off. Then peel away the paper. Finish the rest of your nails and finish with a top coat. Once that is dry you can wash your hands normal to remove any newspaper print that transferred to your skin. Have fun!

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